Accenture Managing Director to Become Investor in Propcure

Vinod Patel, Managing Director at Accenture, has made the decision to back new residential property business Propcure. He will also become an advisor to the fund management team at Sturgeon Ventures, where he has a long-term business relationship with Propcure’s portfolio manager.

When asked, he commented that “whilst property is an illiquid asset class this project addresses many of the issues facing tenants in recent times, such as the ability to work from home and their all-round mental health”. He further comments that “the correlation of investor success to management reward is also a powerful message”.

Sturgeon Ventures Portfolio Manager, Tim Peppiatt, commented, “having somebody of Vinod’s ability and gravitas invest, and become an advisor, will be hugely beneficial as we grow”. We have already seen a significant uptick in activity, with both investors and introducers wanting greater volumes of information. Communication and organisation at scale is something he vast experience with and I’m sure will prove invaluable to us.


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