Track Record

Group 110 01 Track Record TR1 M 02 TR1 M 05 TR1 M 03 TR1 M 04

Land Cost 


Stamp Duty 


Preparation Costs 


Total Build Cost 


Interior Fit Out 


Sales Cost 


Total Project Cost 



Sale Price 


Profit (£) 


Profit (%) 


Opportunities to develop luxury accommodation on suitable plot sizes throughout Sevenoaks and the surrounding areas had become limited. In fact they’d become tougher to find in many of the more desirable areas of Kent.

Therefore to create the desired return would involve an element of bravery and a considerable amount of research and analysis.

Whilst established developers questioned the wisdom of our site choice, it proved to be a resounding success. In the process we’ve created a new destination for premium property development.

Group 110 01 Track Record 02 Track Record
06 TR 2 03 04 TR 2 01 TR2 M 02 TR2 M 03 TR2 M 04 TR2 M 05

Site Cost 


Stamp Duty 


Total Refurbishment Costs 


Sales Costs 


Total Project Cost 



Sale Price 


Profit (£) 


Profit (%) 


The result of a failed design project in London’s Butlers Wharf the site was acquired at a considerable discount.

A complete transformation was required, with every room needing attention and some minor structural changes.

Walls were removed in the kitchen so prospective occupiers could see one of the World’s most recognisable pieces of architecture, Tower Bridge.

Beautiful natural stone bathrooms were complimented by bespoke hand made furniture and a state of the art kitchen.

06 TR 2 03 04 TR 2 01 05 TR 2 02

Site Cost, Stamp Duty and Legals 


Refurbishment Costs 


Sales Costs 


Total Costs 


Sale Price 


Profit £ 


Profit % 



Rental Income Per Annum 


Yield % 


The site was acquired to house two companies from separate locations.

Whilst minimal cosmetic work was required, the incoming tenant required guidance on furniture, technology and communications requirements.

Rented for a period of 4 years when the company moved to a new location in Covent Garden, it was sold on to the Brewery Association.

TR 03 01 TR 03 02 TR 03 03

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We will then take a few details and determine you understand the risks.

You will have access to further documents to help you evaluate the opportunity of investing in this exciting new way of renting.


MTR 004 Limited (the "Fund") invests in assets that may at times be hard to sell. This means that there may be occasions when you experience a delay or receive less than you might otherwise expect when selling your investment. For more information on risks, see the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) and Key Information Document (KID).