Social Impact

Our focus has been on a practical and deliverable set of objectives for the environments we intend to create.

Sturgeon Ventures Portfolio Manager, Tim Peppiatt, has been a Trustee of Mental Health Charity (Westmeria Counselling Services) for over 15 years: and the very reason social impact is in the very DNA of Propcure.

Propcure properties are designed to remove administrative hassles, reduce the need for travel, reduce carbon, provide uplifting life-work balanced environments, and deliver abundant Well-Being.

How will we achieve this?

  • Furnished
  • Broadband & Satellite TV
  • Utilities
  • Concierge & Security
  • Gym
  • Yoga
  • Pool (where structure allows)
  • Personal training (additional cost)
  • Communal space
  • Bookable meeting space
  • High speed broadband
  • Lounge style facilities
  • More personal and family time
  • Improved fitness and health
  • Less administrative demands and stress
  • Less travelling and less carbon
  • Less energy consumption
  • Improved productivity
  • Improved personal finances

Access Investment Opportunities

To register interest please click on the adjacent link.

We will then take a few details and determine you understand the risks.

You will have access to further documents to help you evaluate the opportunity of investing in this exciting new way of renting.


MTR 004 Limited (the "Fund") invests in assets that may at times be hard to sell. This means that there may be occasions when you experience a delay or receive less than you might otherwise expect when selling your investment. For more information on risks, see the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) and Key Information Document (KID).